Getting Your Catch Home from Katmai Lodge Alaska
We know most of our guests like to take salmon home. Fish fillets will be vacuum sealed, frozen, and packed in airline approved waxed boxes.
In June and July, you may take one 50 lb. fish box which can include 1 adult male King, plus Sockeye, Chum or Pinks (even year runs). Beginning August 1, your 50lb. box can include Chum, Pinks (even year runs) and Silvers.
The Alagnak River system is in the only designated trophy trout fishery in Alaska. It and all other areas where we fish are single hook, no bait or scent. Rainbow trout are all catch and release. We practice strict catch and release on all other native stream fish as well i.e.: Grayling, Arctic Char and Dolly Varden.
With these policies and by promoting catch and release, we can help ensure that fishing along the Alagnak River continues to remain strong.

Baggage and Freezer Storage Services
For extended layovers or overnights in Anchorage, freezer storage is available at the airport and at many hotels.
Anchorage International Airport
Baggage and freezer storage services are available at the airport in the south terminal. For fish shipping services, see the seafood shipping services below.
1. Huntleigh
(907) 248-0373
Level 1, next to baggage claim #4. Storage costs are approximately $15/day/item and subject to change.
Hours of Operation: 4 a.m. – 12 a.m.
2. Alaska Luggage & Seafood Shipping Services
(907) 644-8256
Level 2, across from TSA check-in.
Approximate cost for shipping fish: $200-300 per 50lb box, shipped to your door.